Spring 2024, Physics 303.

Lecture is a conversation. It is boring otherwise. I encourage all students to be active, ask questions and argue. I want to learn and I love to learn new things. My experience tells me that I learn the best when challenged to answteer questions.

Mechanics is one of the best developed branches of physics. It has been developed so thoroughly that it is now considered to be a part of mathematics. Yet there are still plenty of challenging problems there. However in my opinion, the most important aspects of mechanics is that it builds understanding and instrumentation for Quantum mechanics, Statistical physics, and everything else. I will try to emphasize these connections in my class.

And you do not have to wait until the beginning of the class! I collected here all problems form our old departmental Qualifying Exams. Normally, I myself use the problems from these exams for the course' homeworks and exams.

Artem G. Abanov
Prof. Artem G. Abanov
Department of Physics & Astronomy, MS 4242,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4242
email: abanov@tamu.edu
Artem Abanov's CV
Research supported by:
Texas A&M University, Department of Physics & Astronomy, MS 4242, College Station, TX 77843-4242  |   |  fax: 1-979-845-2590